Diet and exercise guides

illustration of bathroom scales, dress with question mark

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While the amount varies from person to person, according to one estimate, it takes 10-15 pounds of weight loss on average to lose a dress size.

But this is a very rough estimate. There are a number of complicating factors that make giving an exact, one-size-fits-all answer very difficult.

So what are they?

Why working out how many pounds it takes to drop a dress size isn’t always so simple

Dress size doesn’t just depend on body weight. Other factors such as height and body type also play a role.

For example, two individuals of the same weight but different heights may be different dress sizes. A shorter person might be a bigger dress size than a taller individual who’s the same weight as them.

And when it comes to dropping a dress size, bodyweight ratio plays a role. For example, someone who weighs 300 pounds and loses 10 pounds is unlikely to drop a dress size. Whereas, someone who weighs 130 pounds and loses 10 pounds will be much more likely to drop a dress size.

And if this wasn’t bad enough, clothing brands further complicate matters. You may be a size 16 in one brand but a size 12 in another.

The bottom line is that it’s very difficult, next to impossible perhaps, to give an exact answer to the question, “how many pounds does it take to lose a dress size?”.

But if you want to keep things simple, 10-15 pounds is a close enough estimate for most people. And if you want to drop a dress size, this is probably what you should aim for – at least to begin with.

The myth of targeted weight loss

To drop a dress size, you might be tempted to aim for targeted fat loss, otherwise known as spot reduction, around the waist and hips in particular. But there’s a problem: there’s no hard evidence that targeted fat loss is possible.

A google search will bring up results claiming to show you how to perform various exercises that help you lose belly fat, thigh fat etc. But the evidence for this is lacking. And it flat out contradicts the way fat is actually burned.

During exercise, you will metabolize fat, which is used as fuel, from all parts of the body, not one specific area.

So it’s probably best to aim for general weight loss. As a natural consequence of this, you will lose fat around your waist and hips anyway.

This should be a relief. Instead of a limited range of boring exercises, such as ab crunches, you can choose from a wide variety of different exercises, from brisk walking to taking up Zumba.

How to drop a dress size

If you want to drop a dress size, it’s probably best to aim for a 10-15 pound target (the rough average) and see how it works out. Even if it’s not enough to lose a dress size, the next size under your current one will at least fit more comfortably. You can then decide whether or not to aim for further weight loss.

15 pounds of weight loss can be achieved at a gradual pace in around 2 months. This is based on a commonly recommended rate of healthy weight loss of 1-2 pounds a week.

According to, 1 pound of fat loss is equivalent to around 1 pound. So to achieve 2 pounds of weight loss you will need to burn around 7000 calories a week more than you consume. This is what’s known as a calorie deficit. And it can be achieved by either eating less, moving more or a mixture of both.

Of course, 3,500 calories per pound of weight loss is an imperfect guide, as weight loss is usually accompanied by water loss and the loss of some muscle mass, not just fat. So it might overestimate the amount of weight loss you can expect. But it’s still a useful target to aim for.

Next, we will outline a simple plan for achieving weight loss through a combination of diet and exercise. It will aim to burn 500 calories a day (averaged over a week) through exercise and reduce food intake by 500 calories.


According to the UK’s National health service, the average adult female requires 2,000 calories a day to maintain their current weight.

The exact number varies from individual to individual based on a number of factors, but a diet limited to 1500 calories a day should be enough to create a calorie deficit of more or greater than 500 calories.

For many people, Just sticking to a 1500 calorie-a-day meal plan would be enough to lose 1 pound a week or more.

However, if would you like a more precise estimate based on your requirements, feel free to use the calorie calculator below.

*The following calculator is provided for general informational purposes only and should be relied upon as a substitute for medical advice.

Basic Information
Activity Level
Your results:
Target calorie intake per day:

1500 calorie a day meal plan

The following video outlines a simple 1500 calorie-a-day meal plan.

Hate calorie counting? Try this…

Some foods make you feel full, even if you eat less of them than other foods. The degree to which different foods make you feel full is rated on a scale known as the satiety index.

For example, foods high in protein tend to be more filling than foods high in carbs. This is perhaps a major reason why the likes of the Atkins diet and the Keto diet are so effective for many people.

The Keto diet, which is high in highly satiating healthy fats, moderate in protein and very low in carbohydrates (typically less than 50 carbs a day) has become massively popular in recent years.

The internet abounds with keto friendly recipes. You’ve likely read a few keto recipe blog posts or watched a few videos. So finding out how to prepare keto friendly meals is easy enough.

But getting a meal plan right involves a lot of trial and error.

Better to go with a tried-and-tested diet plan that cuts out all the hassle by planning everything for you, from shopping lists to meal plans, making your diet as stress free as possible.


exercise image

To burn the other 500 calories, you will need to cultivate a regular exercise habit. Fortunately,  It doesn’t have to be complicated. Even brisk walking is very effective for burning calories.

The important thing is that you pick an exercise or exercises, that are suited to your skill and fitness levels.

Here is a chart listing various exercises and the estimated amount of calories they burn [7].


Duration (in Minutes)

Calories burned (approximate based on a 185-pound individual)

Brisk walking



Cycling:16-19 mph









Weight lifting (General)






As you can see, even brisk walking is effective for burning calories. But may decide to try more challenging exercises, provided of course you’re capable and medically fit to do so.

But if you do just decide to stick with walking, 60 – 90 minutes a day combined with being less sedentary during the rest of the day – taking the stairs instead of the elevator, walking instead of driving short distances, etc – could easily burn around 500 calories a day.

Even if you opt not to exercise every single day, you will still see results. It’ll just take a little longer to reach your weight loss goal.

Ways to help the process along

While 1-2 pounds is generally recommended as a healthy rate of weight loss, faster rates aren’t unusual.

Diet plans that involve meal replacement shakes/smoothies are one way to achieve fast weight loss. Supplements are another.

Meal replacement shakes/smoothies

Diets involving meal-replacement shakes have been around for decades. Slimfast is perhaps the most well known brand, but there are many others.

Typically, they require the dieter to replace one or more of their daily meals with a milkshake or smoothie. Weight loss is achieved through calorie reduction.

Unfortunately, many of them are high in added sugar or contain artificial sweeteners.

An alternative to the pre-made shakes is to make your own from scratch using natural ingredients.

>>Click Here to learn more<<


Supplements are another popular option for those trying to lose weight. They usually consist of a proprietary blend of ingredients known to help with weight loss, such as catechins, a compound found in green tea.

They usually work by speeding up the metabolism and by suppressing appetite. 

Of course, not all supplements are equally effective, which makes picking the right supplement a challenge. So it’s important to choose a product with good feedback from a reputable supplier.

Before trying a supplement, you should to speak to a doctor to rule out any harmful side effects.

>>This tropical weight loss blend could be the key to your transformation. Click here to learn more<<

How to keep the weight off

So you’ve worked hard to lose those extra pounds and now you can finally fit into that dress you couldn’t before. But how long before you put those back on?

Unfortunately, according to some estimates, 80-95% of dieters put all or most of the weight back on that they worked so hard to lose.

But it doesn’t have to be this way for every dieter. You can take steps to avoid becoming another statistic in the battle of the bulge.

Weigh yourself regularly

In order to keep on top of things and intervene early if you notice the pounds piling back on, make sure to weigh yourself at least weekly. You can make the necessary adjustments, which might include going back on your diet.

Of course, not all weight gain is a bad thing. If you start exercising regularly, you will likely gain muscle mass, which will contribute to healthy weight gain.

Cut down on or eliminate refined sugar consumption

Modern diets are loaded with refined sugar. Sugar contributes to weight gain indirectly by interfering with the hormone that regulates appetite. It’s also not very satiating.

For these reasons, someone on a diet high in sugar is likely to eat more overall calories as a result.

So you might want to cut down on or even eliminate refined sugar, and its close relative high fructose corn syrup, from your diet. A good way of doing this is by quitting soft drinks, a major stealth source of sugar.

Whether or not you decide to replace soft drinks containing sugar with ones containing artificial sweeteners is up to you, but you might want to make yourself aware of the controversy surrounding them.

Eat satiating foods

As mentioned earlier in the article, some foods are far more filling than others. By sticking to a diet high in satiating foods, you’re far less likely to overeat and pile the pounds back on.

The following article gives a list of highly satiating foods you may want to include in your diet.

Stay hydrated

Not only does drinking plenty of water make you feel full, but it also helps burn fat [10].

So make sure to get your recommended daily intake of water – which according to John Hopkins University 11.5 cups (2.7 liters) a day for a woman and 15.5 cups (3.7) for a man.

Make your exercise habit permanent

Try to exercise at least 3-4 times a week. According to the American College of Cardiology, adults should aim for 150 – 300 minutes of moderate-intensity aerobic exercise per week. This would include brisk walking.

Or if you want to do something more challenging, 75 minutes of intense aerobic exercise, which would include activities such as running and swimming.


There is no precise answer to the question “how many pounds does it take to lose a dress size”. The exact figure depends on a number of factors, including body type and height.

And to make matters more complicated, different brands use different sizes.

However, a very rough estimate that can serve as a useful guide is 10-15 pounds.

Dropping a dress size is best achieved through general weight loss as there is no evidence that fat loss can be targeted at specific body parts, such as the waist and hips.

Weight loss of 15 pounds can be achieved at a slow and steady rate in around 2 months, but faster rates of fat loss are possible, with dieters using meal replacement shakes and supplements to help the process along.

And once you drop a dress size, steps must be taken to avoid putting the weight back on, something 80-95% of dieters unfortunately do. This will involve making a few permanent lifestyle adjustments.