Diet and exercise guides


How Much Walking Burns 500 Calories + Other Calorie Burning Exercise Tips

person walking

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if you’re looking to burn some extra calories and shed a few excess pounds, you may be surprised to find that something as simple as walking can be a very effective way of doing it.

Using the estimate from Harvard Health, A 185-pound person walking at a brisk pace (4 MPH) on flat ground for 80 minutes will burn around 500 calories.

Of course, the number of calories you’ll burn from walking depends on a number of factors — in particular your weight, how fast you’re walking, and the incline of the terrain.

In addition to walking, we’ll take a look at other exercises, many of which will burn 500 calories in less time than walking, before briefly covering diet.

But first, how much walking will you need to do to burn 500 calories?

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How much walking will burn 500 calories for different weights?

As we just mentioned, other factors, in particular weight, will affect how many calories you’ll burn from walking. The chart below shows approximately how much walking individuals of different weights will need to do to burn 500 calories ( figures based on estimates from the calorie calculator at

Weight of individual

Time to burn 500 calories walking(brisk)

120 lbs

138 minutes

130 lbs

128 minutes

140 lbs

118 minutes

150 lbs

111 minutes

160 lbs

104 minutes

170 lbs

98 minutes

180 lbs

92 minutes

190 lbs

87 minutes

200 lbs

83 minutes

210 lbs

79 minutes

220 lbs

75 minutes

230 lbs

72 minutes

240 lbs

69 minutes

Walking calories calculator

The calculator below will provide you with an estimate of how many calories you can expect to burn from walking as well as many other popular exercises.

How many miles walking burns 500 calories?

To burn 500 calories through walking (at a brisk pace), you would need to walk around 3 – 4 miles on a flat surface.

Of course, the exact figure will depend on your weight. This estimate also assumes a flat surface.

Calories burned walking uphill

If you want to hit your 500 calorie quota faster, walking uphill is the way to do it. Using the equations from the American College of Sports Medicine’s “Resource Manual for Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription”, you can expect to burn around 12% more calories per 1% incline

So, at a 10% incline, you could expect to burn more than twice as many calories per mile as you would walking on flat ground.

If you don’t have access to a hilly area, try walking on an incline on the treadmill.

Why you should consider buying a treadmill

A treadmill can be a great investment for someone looking to improve their health. They provide an easy way to go walking, even if it’s raining outside, and adjusting the incline replicates hill walking.

And they needn’t cost a fortune. A cheaper, non-motorized treadmill will do the job.

But a cheaper treadmill shouldn’t mean poorer quality. So it’s important to do your research to avoid the hassle of having to return a shoddy treadmill that brakes after a few uses.

Alternatives to walking

Just walking can get very tedious after a while. And as good as it is (we’re certainly not knocking walking here), there are faster ways of burning 500 calories.

If you’re looking for a way to mix up your routine and burn some extra calories, consider adding cardio exercises like Jumping jacks, running, biking, and swimming to your routine.

These are all great ways to get your heart rate up and torch some serious calories. And the best part is that you don’t have to do them for hours on end to see results. Just a few minutes of cardio a day can make a big difference in your fitness level.

Here, we’ll briefly go over a few alternatives to walking.

Jumping jacks

Jumping jacks are a great way to get your heart rate up and burn some calories. They’re also very beginner friendly, so anyone can give them a try. all you need is a little space and some comfortable clothes.

Start by standing with your feet together and your arms at your sides. then, simply jump up and spread your legs out to the sides while bringing your arms up over your head. when you land, reverse the movement and bring your arms and legs back to the starting position. that’s one jumping jack. try doing a few sets of 10 or 20 and you’ll start to feel the burn.

According to MyFitnessPal, jumping jacks can help you burn about 8-16 calories per minute, depending on your weight.


If you want to go the next level up from walking, running is the way to go. It’s a great way to get your heart rate up and burn calories.

According to Harvard Health Publications, you can expect to burn around 240 – 355 calories from a 30 minute run (5 MPH)

So if you’re up for it, give walking more intense relative, running, a try.


If you’re looking for a workout that will help you to shed a few pounds, swimming is a great option. Unlike many other forms of exercise, swimming engages both your upper and lower body, giving you a full-body workout. In addition, swimming is a great calorie-burner; in fact, it’s one of the most efficient exercises out there.

According to Harvard Health, you can expect to burn around 300 – 420 calories from a half hour of vigorously swimming laps.

So if you’re looking to get in shape, hit the pool and start swimming laps. You’ll be surprised at how quickly you see results.


Cycling is a great way to get some exercise. It’s low impact so it’s easy on your joints, and you can go at your own pace.

According to Harvard health, you can expect to burn around 240 – 336 calories from 30 minutes of bicycling (12 – 13.9 MPH)

So, just hop on your bike and go!


Zumba is a great workout because it’s a fun, high-energy form of dancing. You don’t have to be a great dancer to participate – anyone can do it! The movements are easy to follow and there’s always great music playing to keep you motivated.

Plus, you’ll burn a lot of calories without even realizing it. According to an article on, you can expect to burn anywhere from 300 – 900 calories from a 1 hour Zumba session.

So if you’re looking for a workout that’s both fun and effective, give Zumba a try!


Burpees are a great way to get your heart rate up and break a sweat. They’re also a great way to tone your legs, arms, and core. And, they’re perfect for doing at home with no equipment needed.

According to, roughly 10 calories are burned for every minute of burpees

To do a burpee, start in a standing position. Then, lower into a squat position with your hands on the ground. Kick your feet back so you’re in a push-up position. Lower your chest to the ground, then press back up to the start position.

From there, jump up as high as you can. That’s one rep! Burpees are tough, but they’re definitely worth it. Not only will you get a great workout, but you’ll also feel empowered and accomplished after completing them. So next time you’re looking for a workout that will give you results, try burpees!

Jumping rope

Jumping rope is a great way to get your heart rate up and burn some calories. It’s also a lot of fun, and you can do it almost anywhere. Plus, it’s a great workout for your arms, legs, and core.

According to, a 200-pound person can burn up to 241 calories in just 20 minutes.

That’s a lot of calories for such a short workout! So if you’re looking for a workout that is effective and efficient, look no further than jump rope!

How fidgeting can help you burn a surprising amount of calories

Ever hear of non-exercise activity thermogenesis? ( also called NEAT). It refers to the energy your body uses for activities that aren’t eating, sleeping or working out. And according to some researchers, NEAT may be key when it comes to boosting your metabolism and burning fat.

So how can you increase your NEAT?

One way is to stand instead of sitting. Or take a walk every few hours. Even fidgeting can torch a surprising number of calories. In fact, one study found that fidgeting and other NEAT activities can burn up to 350 calories a day.

So, if you’re looking for a way to burn some extra calories, try fidgeting! It may sound silly, but it could really help.


Chances are if you’re looking to burn calories, you’re looking to shed a few pounds — or at least maintain your current weight. Exercising is important, and can play a role in helping you lose weight. However, if you neglect your diet and only focus on exercise, you won’t see the results you’re hoping for.

In order to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. This means that you need to burn more calories than you consume. Diet is an important part of this. The best way to lose weight is to combine eating less with regular exercise. This will help you burn more calories and create a bigger calorie deficit.

A good way to avoid overeating when trying to lose weight is to eat highly satiating foods that make you feel full on fewer calories.

Some research suggests that low-carb and keto meals may help to suppress hunger, which could lead to a natural reduction in calorie intake, especially in people who are overweight or have insulin resistance.

As a result, the keto diet can be a helpful tool for those who are trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight.



Walking is a great way to burn calories and get some exercise, and it’s something you can do almost anywhere. You don’t need any special equipment or a gym membership, and you can walk at your own pace.

Also, treadmills are a great way to walk indoors, and they offer many features that can help you stay motivated and track your progress. Plus, if you live in an area with cold winters or hot summers, a treadmill can be a great way to walk year-round.

And if you’re looking to burn even more calories, there are other exercises you can do, like running, swimming, or bicycling. Many of these exercises will burn 500 calories in less time than walking.

And finally, don’t forget that diet is also key when it comes to burning calories and losing weight — assuming this is your goal.