Diet and exercise guides


How Much Weight Will I Lose Spinning 3 Times A Week? + Other Weight Loss Tips

image of spinning bike

*Medical Disclaimer: The content in this article is provided for general information purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for advice from a licensed healthcare practitioner

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How much weight can I expect to lose If I spin 3 times a week?

Spinning is a great workout to help shed unwanted pounds. However, how much weight you’ll lose depends on a number of factors, including your diet and how often you spin.

However, a 155-pound person can lose around 0.4 pounds per week – or 1.6 pounds per month – from spinning classes 3 times a week.

This assumes each class lasts 45 minutes and they’re eating at or below their calorie maintenance level before attending the spinning classes (see the diet section of the article). 

The weight loss calculation is based on the widely used estimate of 3,500 calories per one pound of weight loss and the calories expended were calculated using the calorie calculator at set for a mid-intensity spinning session.

Weight loss in a month from spinning 3 times a week by how much a person weighs

The amount of calories you burn will depend on a number of factors, in particular your weight.

Below is a chart which gives an estimate for how much individuals of different weights (from 130 – 250 lbs) can expect to lose from three 45 minute, mid-intensity spinning sessions over the course of 1 month.

Weight of individual

Weight loss per month from 3 weekly spinning sessions

130 lbs

1.4 pounds

140 lbs

1.5 pounds

150 lbs

1.6 pounds

160 lbs

1.7 pounds

170 lbs

1.8 pounds

180 lbs

1.9 pounds

190 lbs

2 pounds

200 lbs

2.1 pounds

210 lbs

2.2 pounds

220 lbs

2.3 pounds

230 lbs

2.4 pounds

240 lbs

2.5 pounds

250 lbs

2.6 pounds

The more you spin, the more weight you’re likely to lose. And some spinning sessions will be more intense than the mid-intensity example used to calculate the above figures.

However, you may not lose as much weight as you hoped you would — or any at all. But why would this be?

Spinning but struggling to lose weight? - this is likely the reason...

If you’re not in a calorie deficit, you won’t lose weight no matter how much you spin or how often you go to class. Simply put, this means that you’re eating more calories than you’re burning off.

Therefore, if you want to lose weight by spinning, you need to make sure that you’re eating fewer calories than you’re burning. This can be done by either eating less, exercising more, or a combination of both.

Another reason you may not be losing weight is if you’re not spinning hard enough. If you’re not sweating and your heart rate isn’t up, then you’re not going to burn as many calories. So, make sure you’re pushing yourself in class and working up a sweat! (more on this later).

However, diet is the most likely area that needs to be addressed If you’re not losing weight.

Diet - the need for a calorie budget

The best way to ensure you’re not overeating is to stick to a strict calorie budget. This means tracking everything you eat and drink and making sure that you’re not exceeding your daily calorie limit.

There are a few different ways to do this, but one of the easiest is to use a calorie tracking app like MyFitnessPal. Simply enter in all of the food and drink you consume throughout the day and it will tell you how many calories you’ve consumed.

If you’re not sure how many calories you should be eating, there are a number of online calculators that can help you figure this out. Alternatively, you can use the one below.

*This calculator is provided for informational purposes only and is not intended as a substitute for advice from a licensed healthcare practitioner

Basic Information
Activity Level
Your results:
Target calorie intake per day:

Once you know how many calories you should be consuming each day, make sure that you’re not going over this amount. If you are, then you need to either eat less, exercise more or both.

Spinning tips to maximize weight loss

Here will outline a few tips to get the most out of your spinning classes and lose weight more quickly.

Tips for those attending a class

It’s important to do research beforehand and find a class that you’ll enjoy and feel comfortable in. This will make it more likely that you’ll stick to it long term.

It’s also important to make sure that the instructor is certified. This ensures that they know what they’re doing and can give you the best workout possible.

Also, make sure you arrive early to class so that you can get set up on the bike properly. This will help prevent injuries and make sure you get the most out of the class.

But most importantly, you’ll need to push yourself and not just go through the motions. The harder you spin, the more calories you’ll burn and the more weight you’ll lose.

So make sure you’re putting in the effort and sweating it out!

Spinning at home

If you’re spinning at home, there are still a few things you need to keep in mind to make sure you’re getting the most out of your workout.

First, you need to make sure you have a good quality bike. A cheap one is likely to break down and won’t give you as good of a workout. However, you don’t need to spend a fortune either. A mid-priced bike will do just fine.

Second, you need to create a challenging workout. This means varying the resistance and speeds that you’re cycling at. Follow a video or online workout to make sure you’re doing this optimally.

And lastly, you need to make sure you’re staying hydrated. Drinking plenty of water will help your body function at its best and help you lose weight more quickly.

Below are some popular spinning tutorials from youtube that you may find helpful.

Other exercise tips to shed even more pounds

Just spinning might get a bit boring after a while. And there’s no law of the universe that says you can only do one type of exercise. You can mix things up to keep yourself interested and motivated. Here are a few other exercises that can help you lose weight.

As with spinning, we assume the person in our example engages in these activities 3 times per week, for 45 minutes. The weight loss is over the course of a month.


Yoga is a great way to improve your flexibility, strength and balance. It can also help you to de-stress and relax. All of these things are important for weight loss.

There are many different types of yoga, so you can find one that’s the perfect fit for you.

From practicing yoga three times a week for 45 minutes a session, a 155 pound person can expect to lose around 0.5 pounds in 1 month


The Closest on the list to spinning, cycling is another great exercise for weight loss. It’s low impact, so it’s easy on your joints. And it’s a fun way to get out and explore your surroundings.

From cycling three times a week for 45 minutes a session, a 155-pound person can expect to lose around 1.5 pounds in 1 month

Brisk walking

Walking is often overlooked as a form of exercise. But it’s actually a great way to lose weight. And it’s something you can do almost anywhere, anytime.

To make it more effective for weight loss, make sure you walk at a brisk pace. You should be breaking a sweat and breathing more heavily than normal.

From brisk walking three times a week for 45 minutes a session, a 155 pound person can expect to lose around 0.7 pounds in 1 month.

Resistance training

Not only will resistance training burn calories during your workouts, but it’ll also help you build muscle. And the more muscle you have, the more calories you’ll burn at rest. This is because muscle tissue is more metabolically active than fat tissue.

So resistance training is a great way to lose weight and keep it off in the long term.

From resistance training (weight lifting) three times a week for 45 minutes a session, a 155-pound person can expect to lose around 0.6 pounds in 1 month.


Swimming is a great workout for your whole body. like walking, it’s easy on your joints. And it’s a great way to cool off on a hot day.

If you don’t know how to swim, there are plenty of classes you can take. Or you can start by just doing some laps in the shallow end of the pool.

From swimming (breaststroke) three times a week for 45 minutes a session, a 155-pound person can expect to lose around 1.9 pounds.


Pilates is a great workout for your core. It’s also very helpful for improving your posture and alignment. Both of these things are important for weight loss.

There are many different types of Pilates, so you can find one that’s the perfect fit for you.

From doing pilates three times a week for 45 minutes a session, a 155 pound person can expect to lose around 0.6 pounds in 1 month.


As you can see, there are many different ways to lose weight. So if you get bored of spinning, mix things up and try something new.

Keeping the pounds off after losing them

You may have set yourself a weight loss goal. But once you reach that goal, what then?

According to, most people who lose weight end up gaining it all back on. This is because they don’t make the necessary changes to their lifestyle and continue to eat and exercise the same way they did before.

So if you want to keep the weight off after losing it, you need to make some changes to your lifestyle. Here are a few things you can do.

Eat healthy, balanced meals

If you want to lose weight and keep it off, you need to eat healthy, balanced meals. This means eating plenty of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean protein. And it means avoiding processed foods, sugary drinks and excessive amounts of saturated and unhealthy fats.

You wont need to be as strict with your diet as you were when trying to lose weight, but you will likely need to make some permanent changes.

Exercise regularly

To keep the weight off, you need to exercise regularly. This doesn’t mean you have to do intense workouts every day. But you should be doing some form of physical activity on a daily basis.

A good goal to aim for is 150 minutes of moderate intensity exercise per week, as recommended by the American college of sports medicine. But even if you can only do 20 minutes each day, it’s better than nothing.

Avoid yo-yo dieting

Yo-yo dieting is when you lose weight and then gain it back, over and over again. This can be very damaging to your health, both physically and mentally. It’s also not effective in the long term, as most people who yo-yo diet end up regaining all of the weight they lost, plus more.

Make changes you can stick with

The most important thing to remember is that any changes you make need to be sustainable. If you try to do too much at once, you’re likely to get overwhelmed and give up.

Start small and make gradual changes that you can stick with for the long term. This might mean cutting out sugary drinks and replacing them with water or unsweetened tea. Or it could mean adding an extra 20 minutes of walking to your daily routine.

Weigh yourself regularly

According to, people who weigh themselves daily are less likely to gain weight.

Weighing yourself regularly can help you to see how well you’re doing and to stay motivated. But don’t get too caught up in the numbers. Remember that weight can fluctuate from day to day, depending on things like how much water you’re carrying around and how recently you’ve eaten.

Aim to weigh yourself regularly and in the same clothes (or no clothes). Write down your weight in a journal or on a chart so you can track your progress.


If you want to lose weight, you need to make sure that you’re in a calorie deficit and push yourself hard enough in class. Diet is also an important factor, so make sure you’re tracking your calories and not overeating.

If you get bored with spinning, or want to complement your workout routine, try adding in some of the other exercises on this list. And most importantly, make sure you’re staying hydrated and motivated.

Following these tips will help you lose weight more quickly and effectively.
