Diet and exercise guides


How To Burn 500 Calories At Home Without Equipment

home workout spelt out with letter blocks

*Medical Disclaimer: The content in this blog post is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for advice from a healthcare professional. 

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It can be hard to lose weight, or even just maintain your current weight. But there are ways to make the process a little bit easier. One way is to burn calories at home without using any special equipment. Here we will provide detailed tips on how to do just that.

However, if you’re short on time and just want a quick answer, you can burn around 500 calories by doing the following simple workout routine at home: 

(Estimate based on a 185-pound (83.9 kg) person using’s exercise calorie calculator)

1. Run in place for 5 minutes

2. Do jumping jacks vigorously for 5 minutes

3. Do sit-ups vigorously for 5 minutes.

Repeat the above exercises 3 times.

You can break them up and do them over the course of the day, or do them as a single workout session. Doing this routine will help you burn an extra 500 calories over the course of the day, which can lead to weight loss – assuming this is your goal.

However, if you weigh less than 185 pounds (83.9 kg), you’ll likely need to do more exercise to achieve the same calorie burn. You can use the calculator at to get an estimate based on your weight.

Of course, you may want to mix things up and add some more variety to your workout routine. But this is a great way to start burning calories.

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Equipment free ways to burn 500 calories at home

The following list is of a few equipment free workouts that will help you burn 500 calories.

Running in place

Have you ever been told that you’re not really doing anything if you’re just running in place? Well, whoever said that clearly hasn’t tried it for themselves.

Running in place is actually a great exercise for burning calories. It may not be as glamorous as running outdoors, but it’s just as effective. And, if you’re short on time, it’s the perfect way to get your heart rate up and break a sweat.

According to, a 145-pound individual would need to spend around 57 minutes running in place to burn 500 calories, and a 185-pound individual would need to spend around 45 minutes to burn the same amount of calories.

So, next time you’re feeling lazy, try running in place for a few minutes. You might be surprised at how invigorating it can be.

Jumping Jacks

Jumping jacks are a great way to get your heart rate up and burn some extra calories. They’re also a relatively simple exercise to do – all you need is a little space and some comfortable clothing.

According to, a 155 pound individual would need to spend around 55 minutes doing jumping jacks, while a 185 pound individual would need to spend 43 minutes to burn the same amount of calories.

To do a jumping jack, simply start by standing with your feet together and your arms at your sides. Then, jump up and spread your legs out to the side while bringing your arms up over your head. Finally, jump back to the starting position and repeat.

You can do as many or as few jumping jacks as you like, but try to do at least 10-15 in a row to really get your heart rate going. With a little practice, you’ll be burning calories in no time!


If you’re looking for an exercise that will help you burn calories and tone your abdominal muscles, sit-ups are a great option.

According to, a 145-pound person would need to spend around 58 minutes doing sit-ups vigorously to burn 500 calories, and a 185-pound person would need to spend 45 minutes to burn the same amount of calories

Sit-ups work by targeting the rectus abdominis, which is the large muscle that runs down the center of your stomach. This muscle is responsible for keeping your spine erect and helping you to bend forward and twist at the waist.

By doing sit-ups on a regular basis, you can help to strengthen this muscle and make it more defined. In addition to burning calories, sit-ups can also help to improve your posture and reduce your risk of back pain.

For best results, try to do a few sets of sit-ups every day.

Mountain Climbers

Mountain climbers are an overlooked, yet effective exercise you can do at home without any equipment. They’re also a great way to get your heart rate up and get some cardio in.

According to, a 145-pound person will need to spend around 54 minutes doing mountain climbers to burn 500 calories, and a 185-pound person will need to spend 43 minutes to burn the same amount.

Mountain climbers are a great way to tone your legs, core, and arms, and they’re a great workout for your whole body. To do mountain climbers, start in a push-up position with your hands on the floor and your feet on a chair or step. Keeping your back straight, bring one knee up to your chest, then quickly switch legs so the other knee is up. Keep switching legs as fast as you can while keeping your upper body stable.

If you want a challenge, you can try doing them with one leg at a time. Mountain climbers are a great exercise to add to your workout routine, and they’re a great way to burn calories and get in shape.


Lunges are one of the most effective exercises for toning the legs. 

According to, a 145-pound person will need to spend around 109 minutes doing lunges to burn 500 calories, and a 185-pound person would need to spend 85 minutes to burn the same amount.

Though they may seem simple, lunges target multiple muscle groups, including the quads, hamstrings, and glutes. 

To perform a lunge, start by standing with your feet hip-width apart. Take a large step forward with your right foot, and lower your body until your right thigh is parallel to the ground. Be sure to keep your left knee from touching the ground. Push back up to the starting position, and repeat with your left leg. 

You can also add dumbbells to increase the intensity of the workout. Lunges are perfect for those who are looking for an effective way to tone their legs and improve their cardiovascular health.

High Knees

High knees are a simple move that almost anyone can do, and it’s very effective at burning calories.

According to, you can expect to burn around 3.5 to 7 calories per minute from performing high knees. This will work out at around 142 minutes to burn 500 calories for lighter individuals and 71 minutes for heavier individuals.

All you need to do is stand up straight and then raise your knees up so that they’re level with your hips. Make sure that you’re using your whole leg, not just your knee, and really push yourself to get your knees as high as possible. You can do this for a set period of time or for a certain number of repetitions, and you’ll definitely feel the burn after a few minutes.

So if you’re looking for a way to burn calories without any equipment, give high knees a try.

Brisk walking

person walking

While not really doable at home — unless you own a treadmill — walking is a great way to get some exercise and it doesn’t require any special equipment, so it couldn’t go without a mention.

If you up the pace and really walk with purpose, it can be a great calorie burner. A 145-pound person will burn about 500 calories walking at a brisk pace (3.5 mph) for 120 minutes, and a 185-pound person will burn the same amount in around 94 minutes.

And the best part is that you can do it anywhere, anytime. Just make sure to wear comfortable shoes and maybe take a water bottle with you if you’re going to be walking for more than 30 minutes.

Walking is a great way to get in some exercise and it’s free – so there’s no excuse not to give it a try!

How to burn 500 calories fast with no equipment

Doing one exercise continuously will get very tedious after a while. So you’ll most likely need to mix things up a little.

If you need some inspiration, we’ve compiled a few examples of ways to create full equipment free workouts.

How to burn 500 calories fast with no equipment

If you’re looking for a way to burn 500 calories fast, a HIIT workout may be the answer. HIIT, or high intensity interval training, is a type of workout that alternates between short bursts of intense activity and periods of rest.

This type of workout is very effective in burning calories and can be done in a relatively short amount of time. And according to, HIIT workouts can produce health benefits greater (twice as much) than moderate intensity exercise.

So if you’re looking to boost your calorie burn and reap the health benefits, a HIIT workout may be the way to go.

Easy ways to burn calories - without even trying

Every day, we perform a variety of chores around the house – cleaning, cooking, laundry, and so forth. And while these tasks may not seem like much of a workout, they can actually be quite effective in terms of burning calories.

Mopping the floors for 30 minutes can burn up to 170 calories while vacuuming for the same amount of time can burn even more. Even dusting and doing dishes can help you work up a sweat and shed some unwanted pounds.

Even fidgeting can burn a lot of calories. You might not think that fidgeting burns many calories, but you’d be surprised. One study found that fidgeting could burn up to 350 calories a day! 

As you can see, even small movements can add up over the course of a day and can help you to burn a few extra calories.

Why you should consider getting a treadmill

Treadmills are a great way to get some exercise, and they can be used in all kinds of weather. If you don’t like running outside in the cold or heat, a treadmill is a perfect solution.

You can also control the speed and incline on a treadmill, so it’s great for people who are just starting to get into shape. Treadmills are also low-impact, so they’re gentle on your joints.

And if you have bad knees or other problems with your legs, you can still use a treadmill by holding onto the handrails.

But don’t spend more than you need to. A non-motorized treadmill can be just as effective – and a lot cheaper.

If I burn 500 calories a day, how much weight will I lose?

You will only lose weight if you’re in a calorie deficit, meaning you’re eating fewer calories than you’re burning. So if you burn 500 calories a day, but you’re still eating more than you’re burning, you won’t lose weight.

However, if you’re able to create a calorie deficit of 500 calories a day, you can expect to lose about one pound of weight per week – based on the commonly used guideline (recommended by amongst others) of 1 pound of fat being equivalent to 3,500 calories.

Of course, this is just a general guideline, and your actual results may vary depending on a number of factors, such as your activity level, metabolism, and diet.

How to make sure you're in a calorie deficit

The best way to ensure that you’re in a calorie deficit is to plan your meals in advance. That way, you can control how many calories you’re eating and make sure you’re sticking to your budget.

Planning ahead will also help you make healthier choices, as you’ll be less likely to indulge in unhealthy foods if you’ve already planned out your meals.

But first, you’ll need to know your calorie maintenance level, which is the number of calories you need to eat to maintain your current weight. Once you know that, you can create a deficit.

You can use a calorie calculator to help you estimate your maintenance level (such as the one below). But to get a more precise and authoritative estimate, you should consult a dietician.

*The calculator below is provided for informational purposes only and should not be relied upon as a substitute for advice from a qualified medical practitioner.

Basic Information
Activity Level
Your results:
Target calorie intake per day:

If standard meal plans aren’t for you, there are other options, such as the keto diet and meal replacement shakes.


The keto diet is all the rage these days, and it’s not hard to see why. By cutting carbs and increasing fat, the keto diet helps your body to enter a state of ketosis, which, according to, “is a metabolic that occurs when your body burns fat for energy instead of glucose”.

And since many people find that they feel more satiated on keto, even after eating fewer calories, this diet may also help you to cut back on your food intake. Plus, there are plenty of delicious recipes out there that fit into a keto diet.

So if you’re looking to lose weight and eat delicious food, the keto diet may be right for you. 

Meal replacement shakes

Meal replacement shakes have become a popular way to lose weight in recent years. They’re convenient, easy to make, and can help you cut down on calories without feeling hungry.

However, they can also be expensive, and many people are concerned about the quality of the ingredients. If you’re looking for a more natural and cost-effective option, you may want to consider making your own meal replacement shake. This way, you’ll have complete control over the ingredients, and you can tailor the shake to meet your specific nutritional needs.

Plus, it’s easy to do and can be a fun and rewarding experience. So if you’re considering a meal replacement shake diet, be sure to consider making your own shake at home. It may be just what you need to help you reach your weight loss goals.


There are a variety of ways you can burn 500 calories without needing any equipment. These methods include running, jumping jacks, burpees, sit ups, push ups, squats, high knees, mountain climbers and lunge jumps. 

Mixing and matching different exercises is a great way to keep your body challenged and avoid plateauing. Try doing a combination of these exercises for a total of 30 minutes to an hour each day to see results.