Diet and exercise guides


10 Great Exercises For Weight Loss


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If you want to lose weight through exercise, there’s options to suit all fitness levels.

Some are very high intensity – such as burpees and running – while others are low to moderate intensity – such as brisk walking and yoga.

While some exercises are better at burning calories — and causing weight loss — than others, this doesn’t necessarily mean they’re the best option. There are other considerations that we’ll address at the end.

Here is a short list of popular exercises for you to consider.

Brisk walking

It really doesn’t get any simpler than walking. And while all walking paces will burn calories, brisk walking (walking at a pace of about 3.5 – 4mph) is the most effective. Even better, if you can find a walking trail that involves going uphill at least some of the way, you’ll burn even more calories.

And if you can’t walk outside for whatever reason, a cheap non motorized treadmill should be up to the task. A great advantage of treadmills is that you can adjust the incline, which simulates walking uphill.

As for how many calories you can expect to burn, a 155-pound person will burn around 167 calories per 20 minutes of walking at a brisk pace of 4mph [1].


If you want to step it up a gear, running will burn even more calories and in less time than walking.

Of course, not everyone’s fitness level is such that they take up running right away. But for those who can, it’s an excellent option.

A 155 pound person running at a pace of 5-mph can expect to burn around 372 calories from a 30 minute run [1].


When it comes to exercises for weight loss, yoga doesn’t readily spring to mind. But as it turns out, yoga can be quite effective for this purpose.

While most people probably don’t take up yoga for weight loss alone, losing a few pounds can be an added bonus of the practice.

A 155 pound person can expect to burn around 149 calories from a yoga session [1].

Click here to learn about a beginner friendly yoga program designed to maximize fat burning.


Not usually pursued for its weight loss potential, all forms of dancing will burn calories to one degree or another.

However, Some forms of dancing are pursued with fitness and weight loss in mind.

One popular form of high intensity dancing is Zumba. Invented accidentally by a Colombian fitness instructor who forgot to bring his regular cassette to the aerobics class he taught, forcing him to improvise, Zumba has become massively popular worldwide.

And it’s understandable why. In addition to being good fun, you can burn up to 900 calories from 1 hour of high intensity Zumba [6].

Like Yoga, Zumba classes are available both in person and online, making them a very flexible option for weight loss.


Cycling is a great option for weight loss. And like running, it provides a great workout for the leg muscles. 

And for those who can’t or don’t want to cycle outdoors, stationary bikes are a great substitute. Even better, they can often be bought for less than the price of an actual bicycle — so no need for the fancy overpriced options. And by adjusting the resistance, you can simulate cycling uphill.

A 155 pound person can expect to burn around 260 calories from 30 minutes of cycling at a pace of 12 mph [1].


There are many variations of burpees. Some involve pushups. Some involve jumping jacks. Other variations involve neither pushups nor jumping jacks.

Chances are that if you google “burpee” the most popular option will involve a pushup, a plank and a jumping jack. This method of burpee will burn about 10 calories per minute for an individual weighing 200 pounds [2].

However, the intensity — and hence calorie burning potential — can be increased dramatically by adding a pushup and increasing the pace.


Yes, you’ve read right, boxing. Boxing is a great way to lose weight and don’t worry, you wont need to step inside a ring. 

“Boxercise” as it has become known is the form of boxing that has become popular among the non boxers public just looking to get fit and/or lose weight.

While there are many different boxercise regimens, a person weighing 185 pounds can expect to burn roughly 400 calories in 30 minutes [3]

Strength training

Most people think of cardio when it comes to exercise and weight loss. But Strength training can be very effective in this regard, even better in some respects than cardio.

There are many forms of strength training, some involving weight lifting, others that make use of bodyweight (calisthenics), and resistance band training, which has become very popular of late.

In terms of calories burned, weight lifting is the most studied.

According to Harvard health, A 155 pound person can expect to burn around 108 calories from weight lifting [1].

But the calorie burning doesn’t stop there. The Increased muscle mass that results from regular strength training increases your resting metabolism [4] – the amount of calories you burn while not moving.


Pilates is a popular exercise that is considered to be relatively low intensity. 

It was designed to improve posture, strength and flexibility but can also help you lose weight

A 150 pound person can expect to burn 175 calories an a 50 minute class [1]

Since it is a little more difficult to learn than the other exercises listed, it may not be an ideal option for someone who wants to get started with exercise right away. But it has many other benefits other than weight loss [5] , which is why it’s worth a mention.

Jumping jacks

One of the best things about jumping jacks is that they are a very versatile exercise. You can do them anywhere, anytime – all you need is a little bit of space.

They are also a great way to get your heart rate up and start burning fat.

Just 10 minutes of jumping jacks can burn 160 calories [7], making them an excellent addition to any workout routine. Another great thing about jumping jacks is that they tone your whole body, not just your legs or your arms.

So if you’re looking for a full-body workout, jumping jacks are a great choice. As an added bonus, they’re also a lot of fun! So next time you’re looking for a quick and easy workout, be sure to give jumping jacks a try.


There are many exercises that are effective for losing weight and the above list is by no means exhaustive.

But different forms of exercise are more suited to different people depending on their fitness levels and goals.

If your goal is to lose weight and your fitness levels aren’t great, then it’s best to pick an exercise routine that you are capable of doing and that can easily be done at home.

Walking and cycling would probably be the options that stand out in this regard: both are easy and if need be, they can be done at home using affordable, widely available equipment.

But ultimately, your own preferences should be your guide.







