Diet and exercise guides


7 Fat Burning Foods


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If you’re on a diet or thinking of going on one, you may be inclined to just focus on the calorie content of different foods. But there are other considerations that go beyond calories.

Some foods may help with weight loss in ways that go beyond merely having a low calorie count. These foods are better at increasing metabolism and reducing hunger than others. 

Here we’ll go over a short list of foods that you might want to include in your diet.


Having a satiety index 50% higher than breakfast cereal [1], Eggs are a great way are a great way to fill up while eating less. The protein content will also help speed up your metabolism [2], offering a further weight loss benefit.

There’s a reason why they’ve long been considered a breakfast staple. 


Eating salmon can help you lose weight and keep it off. High in protein, it helps regulate appetite stimulating hormones, making you feel full [2].

Furthermore, the omega-3 fats found in salmon may decrease belly fat in overweight individuals [3]

Greek yogurt

Greek yogurt is protein-rich, so it may help you feel fuller for longer. 

With a rich creamy consistency, it’s also a great alternative to ice cream, which is typically laden with sugar.


Believed to have originated in Mexico, This potent spice is now found in dishes on nearly every continent. Not only do they enhance the flavor of popular dishes but they may also help you lose weight.

The compound believed to help with weight loss is capsaicin [4], the active component of chillies.

Dark chocolate

Eaten mainly as a confectionery, dark chocolate may help with weight loss by promoting a feeling of fullness.

This may be due to reduced levels of ghrelin, a hormone that regulates hunger [5].


Green tea

A popular beverage, especially for those who want to reduce their caffeine consumption, green tea is also known for its potential to help with weight loss.

In addition to its caffeine content – albeit at a lower amount than found in coffee – catechin, one of the active compounds found in green tea, may be largely responsible for this benefit [6]

Black coffee

Although it can be a little bitter for some people’s tastes, black coffee is not only a low calorie beverage, containing around 5 calories per cup, it also boosts metabolism [7], which can help with weight loss.


If you to lose weight, don’t just focus on counting calories. Look for satiating foods that will leave you feeling full despite eating less.







