Diet and exercise guides


How Many Calories Do You Burn Mowing The Lawn? - And Which Mower Burns The Most

lawn mower

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Let’s be honest, mowing the lawn isn’t the most exciting way to get exercise. But it is a great way to sneak in a workout while also getting some chores done. And if you have a manual lawn mower, even better. But just how many calories does mowing the lawn actually burn?

The answer may surprise you. So next time you’re feeling guilty about skipping your workout, remember that mowing the lawn is a great way to sneak in some exercise. And who knows, you might even enjoy it!

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Calories burned mowing lawn for 1 hour

How many calories you burn while mowing the lawn depends on a few factors, such as your weight, the speed at which you’re walking, and the type of lawn mower you’re using.

Based on the estimates from Harvard health, a 155-pound person will burn approximately 324 calories in 1 hour when using a push (electric or gas powered mower), and a 185-pound individual will burn around 378.

If you weigh over 200 pounds, you could easily burn over 400 calories from 1 hour of mowing the lawn.

So, if you’re looking to supplement your exercise regimen with a little extra activity, mowing the lawn is a great way to do it. Just be sure to stay hydrated and take breaks as needed.

Calories burned with self propelled lawn mower

If you use a self-propelled lawn mower, you will burn fewer calories than if you were to use a push mower. The number will be similar to walking at a leisurely pace( 2MPH or less).

Using this as an estimate, a 155-pound person will burn approximately 171 Calories using a self propelled lawn mower for 1 hour, while a 185-pound individual will burn around 209.

So if getting more exercise is your goal, you would be best advised to use a standard push mower. Extra effort isn’t always something to be avoided.

Ride on mower

As you might expect, a ride on a mower will be the least effective way to burn calories while mowing the lawn.

Using a ride on a mower will be similar to driving. Based on this, a 155-pound person will burn approximately 148 Calories using a ride on a mower for 1 hour, while an 185-pound individual will burn around 177.

It’s understandable that those with mobility issues, or very large lawns, would opt to use a ride on a mower, but from a calorie burning perspective, it won’t be as effective as a standard push mower.

So it might be a good idea to ask yourself if you really need a ride on a mower.

Manual lawn mower (non-motorized)

For those looking to burn a few extra calories, ditching the electric or gas mower in favor of a manual lawn mower could be a good option. While it may require a bit more effort, pushing a manual mower across the lawn can provide a good workout.

In fact, a 155-pound individual can expect to burn around 396 calories from an hour of pushing a manual mower, and a 185-pound individual can expect to burn around 462.

So, if you’re fit enough to handle it and your lawn isn’t too big, opting for a manual mower could be a great way to get some extra exercise. Just be sure to wear comfortable shoes and sunscreen!

Gardening calories burned per hour


As good a workout as mowing is, it’s not the most intense outdoor chore.

Gardening, or yard work, is quite laborious and will burn a lot of calories compared to other chores. The number of calories burned per hour will depend on how much physical activity is involved, such as digging, raking or lifting heavy objects. And not forgetting other factors such as your weight and the intensity of your effort.

Estimates are courtesy of the calculator at captain

How many calories are burned weeding?

From 1 hour of weeding, a 155-pound individual burns around 259 calories, and a 185-pound individual will burn around 309.

This is a significant number of calories for what’s considered a light to moderate intensity activity. It’s easy to see how quickly the calorie burn can add up when doing other gardening activities such as digging or raking.

How many calories are burned digging?

After 1 hour of digging, a 155-pound person will burn around 370 calories, and a 185-pound person will burn around 441 calories.

This is a very high calorie burn and would be considered a strenuous activity. So if there’s digging that needs doing, stop putting it off, as you’ll be burning a lot of calories in the process.

How many calories burned planting trees?

Planting trees is at the higher end of the intensity scale and will burn a fair few calories. For 1 hour of planting, a 155-pound person will burn around 396 calories, and a 185-pound person will burn around 462 calories.

This is a great way to get some exercise, while also improving the look of your yard.

How many calories burned watering plants

Watering plants is a low-intensity activity that will still burn a good number of calories. From 1 hour of watering plants, a 155-pound person will burn around 148 calories, and a 185-pound person will burn around 177 calories.

This is similar to the calorie burn from walking at a leisurely pace, and is quite obviously a low-intensity activity. But don’t discount it; every little helps.

Other activities that burn calories

There’s no shortage of ways to sneak in a calorie burning activity throughout the day. Even fidgeting can help burn calories. A study found that people who fidgeted burned up to 350 more calories a day than those who didn’t.

If you’re looking for something a little more challenging, here are some other easy ways to up your calorie burning game:

-Take the stairs instead of the elevator

-Park further away from your destination

-Get up and move every hour or so

-Take a brisk walk on your lunch break

– Clean the house

– Go for a bike ride

– Take a dance class

– Play a sport

All of these activities can help you burn more calories and get closer to your weight loss goals. The key is to find something that you enjoy and can easily fit into your normal routine so that you do it consistently.

So next time you’re looking for a way to add some extra activity into your day, try one of these and see how many calories you can burn.

To stay fit, healthy and lean, you need a consistent exercise habit

Activities like lawn mowing and other chores are great, but unless you actually do them for a living, it’s unlikely that they will be enough on their own.
Try to get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity or 75 minutes of vigorous aerobic activity a week, as recommended by the American college of sports medicine. You can also do a combination of moderate and vigorous activity.

And, of course, lawn work counts towards your weekly exercise quota.

If you’re just starting out, it’s important to ease into your new exercise routine gradually. If you try to do too much too soon, you’re more likely to get injured or burned out and give up altogether.

Start with just a few minutes a day and gradually build up from there. Even if you can only spare 10 or 15 minutes at first, it’s better than nothing. And as your fitness level improves, you’ll be able to increase the duration and intensity of your workouts.

And if you have any concerns, speak to a doctor.

A few words on diet

It’s important to remember that, in order to lose weight, you need to create a calorie deficit. This means that you need to burn more calories than you consume. Exercise is one way to create a calorie deficit, but diet is also very important.

Creating a healthy and balanced diet is the best way to ensure that you are getting the nutrients your body needs while also creating a calorie deficit. But diets can be a challenge, especially if you’re eating far fewer calories than you’re used to.

One diet that’s gained massively in popularity in recent years is the keto diet. The keto diet is a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet that can help you lose weight quickly.

What’s great about the keto diet is that it is highly satiating, meaning you’ll feel full despite eating fewer calories. 


Mowing the lawn might be a mundane activity, but it can burn a surprising amount of calories. Even more so if you use an old school manual lawn mower.

Many Gardening chores can be quite physically demanding, and as such will burn a lot of calories in a short space of time.

Be on the lookout for opportunities to be more active throughout the day by incorporating extra movement into your daily routine. And when it comes to diet, remember that a healthy and balanced diet is key to weight loss success.